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A Woman Of Firsts

Meet Harriet Black Nembhard, the Trailblazing President of Harvey Mudd College

A Woman of Firsts

Harriet Black Nembhard, born on December 7, 1967, has shattered glass ceilings and become an inspiration to women and minorities in academia. As the President of Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, she is the first Black woman to lead a top-ranked engineering and science institution in the United States.

A Distinguished Career

Nembhard's impressive career spans academia, government, and the private sector. She earned her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and served as an assistant professor at Princeton University and Cornell University. She also held leadership positions at the National Science Foundation and IBM.

In 2015, Nembhard was appointed President of Harvey Mudd College, becoming the first Black woman to lead the prestigious institution. Under her leadership, the college has achieved remarkable success, including increasing diversity and inclusivity within the student body and faculty.

A Passion for Inclusivity and Innovation

Nembhard is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. She believes that creating a welcoming and equitable environment is essential for fostering innovation and excellence.

As President of Harvey Mudd College, Nembhard has implemented numerous initiatives to support underrepresented students and faculty. She has increased financial aid and scholarships, established mentoring programs, and expanded research opportunities. The college has also invested in new facilities and programs that focus on diversity and inclusion.

A Vision for the Future

Nembhard's vision for Harvey Mudd College is to create a vibrant and inclusive community where students from all backgrounds can thrive. She believes that the college has a unique opportunity to shape the future of science and engineering by empowering the next generation of innovators and leaders.

Nembhard's unwavering commitment to excellence, diversity, and innovation has made her a role model for women and minorities in STEM. Her leadership at Harvey Mudd College is a testament to her determination to create a more equitable and inclusive world.
